Day 3 - News

By Jason

I'll keep this one short - got a couple of news items to report:

  • I'm meeting with the rental agent today to discuss getting the house on the rental market. After our buyer dropped out, traffic has been extremely light to the house, and it looks like we've missed our window to sell. On the bright side, the rental agent is very bullish on getting this out at an appropriate price. May not be the grand slam we were looking for, but a single will be good enough here to get us on the road.
  • Speaking of baseball, we'll be going to the M's game tonight. Anyone who wants to meet at Fuel beforehand will be welcomed indeed. I'll probably be there around 4/5, with Judy arriving a bit later due to work.
  • We still have great stuff that we are selling! Items include:  a 46" TV, a wood and leather sleeper sofa, a desk, and our dining room table. Contact me if you or someone you know is interested.
  • Our plan is to get a punch list from our rental agent, then work through the next week to get that done and move all of our stuff out. That puts our departure at about 7-10 days from now, assuming all works out. Ideally we'll have someone ready to rent by that time, but we've decided not to wait.  

That's it!